It was a lot of work, noise, and ... well, pizza. (I don't think I can look at another pizza for at least a month.) By the end of the second day, my seven-year-old had the mother of all melt-downs, and my kitchen looked like a flour bomb had exploded. I'm still digging out of that one.
There are still about 60 Gingerbread Cookies that can be ordered for teacher's gifts - first come, first serve. Just put your order in the Boosters Box. We can also deliver recipe books through your child's teacher . . . just put your order form and payment in the Booster Box, and we'll take it from there! (The tasting was a lot of fun . . . thank you to all the parents who brought in their recipes to sample!)
Holiday Store was also kind of fun. Andrew Tucker did a masterful job of keeping the kids entertained. Stephanie Howell, Monica Rem, Roxane Hook, and Jerlee Bond joined Kathy Tucker, Jackie Ham, Cassie Kennedy and me selling merchandize in the Parent Room. Kathy tells me we made an $800 deposit the very first day! I'd also like to thank Mr. DiLaura, Mr. Hudson, the Explorer Club, and Mrs. Arnold and other staff who worked with us to make the first Holiday Store run smoothly.
I'd like to recognize the 8th Grade Moms who hosted the "Santa Workshop" in the Art Room, especially Angie Verges and Colette Hayes, who with Kathy Tucker sorted, tagged, and sold their hearts out. Next year we'll have to think about setting it up during school hours... Right, Mr. DiLaura?
Special thanks goes to the South Arbor Family businesses that set up tables: Kathy Tucker (her "Future Knight" t-shirts for younger siblings of students were just $7), Laura Holliday (Pampered Chef), Georgia Gerain (Grumma's Embroidery), Colette Gaba (Gaba Enterprises), Andrea Sims (Goldfish Jewelry), Kimberly Kratzer (Rodan & Fields skin care), Patti El-Amin (Tastefully Simple), Joelyn Welch (Ardent Designs).
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