Yesterday was our September SALT (South Arbor Leadership Team) meeting. Here are some of the highlights:
We allocated $400 to purchase a Cricut machine for the Teacher's Resource Room. These machines cut multiple sizes of letters, numbers, and other images for use on bulletin boards and for other classroom use. (At present our die cuts have only one size of upper-case letters, no numbers or lower-case.)
We also voted to spend $100 for start-up costs for a South Arbor Boosters website, which will allow parents to purchase scrip and apparel and make donations using credit card or PayPal. Special thanks to Ryon Maples, who is donating his time to create the site.
We welcomed Craig Bergman as the new Building and Grounds Chairman. He is working with Beth Peterson on the Red Ribbon Week activities (October 17-25), and secured a large quantity of red tulip bulbs from Lowes to plant in front of the school. Craig is also instituting "School Pride Days" on the third Saturday of each month, from 9-11, when families can come and help around the school -- painting and fixing things up. This is a great opportunity for parents who would like to help the school, but whose work schedules don't permit them to volunteer during regular school hours. The first School Pride Day is Saturday, October 17 from 9-11 a.m.
We allocated a total $2200 for the bi-monthly teacher lunches and conferences meals. Last week's Teacher Luncheon (thanks, Applebees, who gave us a great deal!) was a big hit! Thank you Stacey Foley, our Hospitality Chairwoman, for your hard work.
FISH t-shirts will be subsidized ($900) again this year for our 6-8th graders. The shirts, which normally cost $16, will be just $8.
The Holiday Store ($500 allocated) will be held in Heroes Hall and the Parents Room during conferences November 11-12. We plan to have a special section for teacher gifts (including handmade gingerbread men and women, with optional gift cards), and our first South Arbor Family Recipes book ($150 allocated for printing supplies), which will include a business directory of all companies owned or operated by South Arbor families. Stay tuned!
There are some significant expenses coming up, which we will only be able to cover if more families join Boosters Plus: the teachers are requesting 2 LCD players ($1200 each), our student ID badge machine is 10 years old and in need of replacement ($2000-2300), and our soccer posts are needing replacement ($1500). We also want to do some special assemblies and subsidize year-end field trips. If you haven't already done so, please send in your check today!
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