Monday, October 26, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
South Arbor Family Recipe Book: Business Directory ad sizes and prices

½ page banner ($80, includes link on Blog): 8” tall by 2-1/2” (wide)
Please submit artwork in jpeg format to Submit payment (cash or checks payable to SABC) to Booster Box in Parent Room.
Monday, October 19, 2009
News You Can Use: Ann Arbor Treasure Hunt!
There are still almost two weeks left in October, and plenty of time to complete the 2nd annual Ann Arbor Treasure Hunt. Once you have gathered the solutions to all of the clues, send it in and you could be the winner of a Pirate's chest filled with Awesomness that has been donated from lots of Ann Arbor's great local shops. The Hunt is FREE to play, and is just a fun way for families, groups of friends, or a combination there of, to go downtown on any Fall day in October, and have a good time solving clues and creating fun memories. You can get your free treasure maps on the official blog at , or by clicking here... TREASURE MAPS . Once you've "captured" all of the clue's solutions on film, just send them into the address printed on the map by October 31st.... and you will be entered into the drawing to win Lavish Pirate Loot!!! So, get ready to set sail on a fun voyage through the wild seas of Ann Arbor... Ahoy!!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Family Day a Great Success!
Many thanks to the families who showed up to help!
News You Can Use: Sam's Club Policy Change
Before November 1, there is no time limit on when you can return electronics (such as Wiis or televisions) -- if you have the receipt, you can return it anytime.
If you purchase the equipment on or after November 1, you have just 90 days. So get out there and SHOP!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Special Adoption Book
My husband and I foster-adopted Christopher and Sarah when they were very little. And today in Mr. Heires class I told the story of how as a young woman I had dreamed of having a little girl with chocolate brown eyes, and a little boy with steel-blue ones. I told them of how I traveled all over the world, and saw how so many children needed families to love them.
And I told them of how I returned home and discovered that there are 500,000 children right here in the United States who need temporary or permanent homes. And one day, when the time was right, Chris and Sarah came into our lives and nestled there. You see, I never carried them in my body -- but from the beginning God created a place for them in my heart, and in the heart of my husband.
I have placed a copy of this special book in the library at South Arbor Academy, for teachers and parents who wish to share it with their children. I will also be placing a number of resources pertaining to foster care and adoption, for those who wish to explore it further.
If at any time you would like to discuss becoming an adoptive or foster parent, I am only too happy to do so. I've recently been invited to join the board of an exciting new foster agency in Ypsilanti called "Fostering Futures." If you are inclined to find out more about foster or adoptive parenting, please do let me know -- or feel free to check out my blog for foster, adoptive, and special needs parents called the "Extraordinary Moms Network."
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Frosty's Village - Conference Fun for Kids!

South Arbor Family Day This Weekend!

Sunday, October 11, 2009
The Art Auction ... and a Story of Unexpected Beauty

Sadly, we did not meet the 150 person attendance we had hoped for -- we had less than 100 people there. Which means that, financially speaking, Boosters took a hit on this one. And yet, we also learned something about where our priorities need to be. In a word, Boosters needs to do a better job at encouraging families to see South Arbor as a place that supports not just teacher and students, but families.

I only wish there had been more of you!
The day after our Art Auction, this short story seems especially appropriate ...
On a cold January morning in 2007, in a Washington, DC Metro subway station, a man stopped among the throngs of morning commuters, pulled out his violin and began to play. The man played several Bach pieces, with the beautiful sounds echoing off of the subway station walls like the shell of a well-build amphitheater.This is a true story. Joshua Bell playing incognito in the metro station was part of a social experiment about perception, taste and people's priorities. The questions raised: in a common place environment at an inappropriate hour, do we perceive beauty? Do we stop to appreciate it? Do we recognize talent in an unexpected context?
During the time he played, over two thousand people went through the station, most lost in their busy thoughts, hustling their way to work. Only 6 people stopped and listened for a short while. About 20 gave money but continued to walk at their normal pace. The man collected a total of $32.
No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the greatest musicians in the world. He played one of the most intricate pieces ever written, with a violin valued at $3.5 million dollars. Two days before, Joshua Bell sold out a theater in Boston where the price of seats averaged over $100.
If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world, playing some of the finest music ever written, with one of the most beautiful instruments ever made.... what else are we missing?
As reported in the Washington Post. Submitted by Lorin K.If enjoyed this story, please forward it to your friends and ask them to subscribe to to begin receiving their copy of these blessings.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
ShopWIthScrip Program Is Now Online!
To register your family with the ShopWithScrip programm, click here. When prompted, you will need the South Arbor Boosters enrollment code: C1EE28FF2669
You can pay for your scrip orders one of two ways. Either you can turn in a paper check with your order form on Fridays at the Booster Store (or put them in the Boosters Box in the Parent Room by Friday at 3:15). Or, if you like the convenience, you may pay with electronic check through the "Presto Pay" option on the Great Lakes scrip website (there is a thirty-nine cent fee per transaction for this service). For more information, including a couple of tutorial videos - click here.
Any orders placed and paid for prior to 3:15pm on Friday, will be available for pickup at the school store the next Friday. You may turn in paper order forms (available at the school store) also prior to 3:15pm on Friday with payment and those orders will too be available the next Friday.
I just registered our family after watching the videos, and found the process very quick and easy. However, if you would like to ask questions about the program, we invite you to an informational meeting will take place on Tuesday, October 20th at 6:30pm in the Parent Room.
Friday, October 2, 2009
South Arbor Family Recipes/Business Directory

Do you like to cook? Or do you have a family holiday tradition you'd like to share with the South Arbor Community?
Please send me your recipe! You could win a free copy of the book (we hope to have it available for the Holiday Store). Preorder one or more copies for $10 each until October 23. After that, they will be $12 each.
Submit your recipe electronically (via e-mail attachment), by October 23, and win additional chances by . . .
Submitting pictures with your recipe (either image of the finished recipe or a food-related picture of your child; include your child’s name and teacher on the back of the picture if you want it returned)
Submitting a food-related family story, tradition, or memory
Participate in the South Arbor Family Business Directory, which will also be included in this book.
Submit as many recipes as you wish for each category:
· Breakfast Favorites
· He Cooks (Dad’s specialties)
· Simple Suppers
· Treats and Snacks
· Baker’s Corner
· International Favorites
· Healthy Alternatives (recipes altered to lower fat and/or sugar content)
· Family Fun Night (recipes you make with the kids)
How to Enter: Electronic submissions preferred (attach recipes in WORD or rich text format; attach images in jpeg format). At the top of each recipe list your name and e-mail (e-mail will not be published). Be sure to include oven temperature, cooking time, number of servings, and pan sizes. If the recipe is from a published source, include cookbook name, publisher, date, and page number.
Send electronic submissions to Hard copy submissions and pre-orders for cookbooks may be turned in to the Boosters Mailbox with this form. Deadline is Friday, October 23. We must have your recipe by that date to participate in the drawing.
For more information about the South Arbor Family Business Directory, contact Heidi Saxton or Kathy Tucker.
South Arbor Community Holiday Store . . . Coming Soon!

· Find the perfect gift for teachers, students, and the whole family!
· Purchase scrip for your holiday shopping.
· Get a slice of pizza, cocoa, or other treats to enjoy while you shop.
· Pick up a copy of “South Arbor Family Recipes” for your favorite cook!
· Order handmade gingerbread and gift cards for teachers’ gifts at the Booster store – no need to buy, wrap or deliver!
· Support South Arbor family businesses: Avon, Pampered Chef, jewelry, and many more.
· Scholastic Book Fair in the library from 8 a.m. -3 p.m. both days.
· Credit cards, debit cards, checks, and cash accepted.
Questions? Contact Heidi Saxton ( or Kathy Tucker ( Or call Heidi Saxton at 429-2952.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
SALT meeting results