This Friday, 9/25, is the LAST DAY to get half-price Art Auction Tickets, as well as buy-one-get-one tickets for Boosters Plus families. Have you bought yours yet? Remember . . .
* If we have 150 people in the gym at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, October 10, the school makes a minimum of $2000 dollars even if no one buys a single piece of art. Just show up between 6:30 and 7:30, sign in at the registration table, enjoy the refreshments and look at the art, and don't leave until the head count is taken at 7:30. That's it!
* If we have 150 people in the gym at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, October 10, the school makes a minimum of $2000 dollars even if no one buys a single piece of art. Just show up between 6:30 and 7:30, sign in at the registration table, enjoy the refreshments and look at the art, and don't leave until the head count is taken at 7:30. That's it!
* Boosters Plus and Boosters Pledge families ($25/month) are eligible for ONE FREE TICKET when you purchase one at the discount rate. Limit one free ticket per South Arbor family.
* Art Auction tickets will cost $15 after Friday -- and may be purchased at the door.
* Art Auction tickets will cost $15 after Friday -- and may be purchased at the door.
* If you will need childcare, it is available through Explorer's Club for $5/child. Contact Chelle or Anne at southarborartauction@gmail.com for details.
* If you want to do a little early Christmas shopping, a wide variety of art is available, much of it for less than $100. Sports memorabilia, famous artists, African American artists, photography, lithographs -- art to fit every budget and taste.
* If you purchase the tickets and then for one reason or another cannot attend, someone MUST use the tickets if the school is going to get "credit." The teacher of the class with the highest number of art auction participants will receive a $25 gift card for classroom use, courtesy of Boosters.
* If you want to do a little early Christmas shopping, a wide variety of art is available, much of it for less than $100. Sports memorabilia, famous artists, African American artists, photography, lithographs -- art to fit every budget and taste.
* If you purchase the tickets and then for one reason or another cannot attend, someone MUST use the tickets if the school is going to get "credit." The teacher of the class with the highest number of art auction participants will receive a $25 gift card for classroom use, courtesy of Boosters.
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