1. I'm gonna wash my hair/wash the car/do my taxes on Saturday.
You can do both! Come for the silent auction, have a bite to eat ... and be home in time for "date night"!
2. I don't have anything to do with the kids ...
Sure you do! Just drop them over at the Explorer Club, next door at the church, where they will be entertained by the same fully trained staff that runs the after-school program.
3. I don't know anyone ...
The auction is a fun night, where you can get to know many parents in the South Arbor community. It's casual, it's fun ... and it's a good way to show to your kids how much you value the educational opportunities they receive at South Arbor. (If you're a teacher, it's a great way to support Boosters in our efforts to get you the things you need for your classroom.)
4. I can't afford it ...
The money we raise through this event funds the educational programs for the rest of the year. Field trips, field days, Teacher Appreciation, House Awards and other behavioral incentives. We need to raise $4000 during the month of April if we want to give our teachers a classroom allowance this year. To do that, every family needs to give a little. Think of the $15 ticket as an investment in your child's education.
5. I'm on a diet ...
So have a Diet Coke and grab a paddle, to keep your hands full!
6. My husband/wife hates these school functions.
This isn't just a "couples" event. Just bring your checkbook, so he/she will want to come with you next time!
7. My son/daughter has another event the same night.
The Spring Auction is the last fundraiser of the year toward our general fund (the Cinco de Mayo event in May is specifically for teacher's allowances and indoor recess cart). If you can't be there that night, please consider making a tax-deductible cash donation anyway -- SABC is a 501(c)3 organization, so all donations are fully tax-deductible.
8. South Arbor Charter Academy is a PUBLIC school ... Why do you keep having these fund raisers?
Because if we don't, the school can't afford to continue with the educational and moral development opportunities that have become an intrinsic part of South Arbor culture. We have already spent the money that was raised by the Boosters Plus program at the beginning of the year (with approximately 120 families participating, far short of our goal). For the past couple of years, we have used the Spring Auction money to fund beginning-of-the-year programs. This year, we are faced with spending the financial "cushion" we should be keeping to finance larger, long-term projects, just to sustain existing programs.
9. I'd rather sell pizza kits or cookie dough....
Sorry, we've committed to our parents that we won't be doing third-party sales catalogs to raise money for Boosters, if they will participate in Boosters Plus. We intend to keep that promise.
10. How do I know where the money goes?
I post the approved funding requests after each Leadership Team meeting here on the blog. Also, please remember that you don't have to spend a LOT of money at this function -- there are items at all price points, from inexpensive books and baskets to more high-ticket items. Jewelery, hand-made pottery, golf outings, autographed books, themed baskets from your child's classroom ... Practical and luxurious, it's all there ... and It's all fun!
11. *sigh* Okay, give me the details again.
Doors open at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 27. The event is held at the school (South Arbor Charter Academy is located at 8200 Carpenter Road in Ypsilanti) in the gym, and tickets are $15 each. The silent auction goes from 3 to 5:45, with the live auction starting shortly thereafter. Mr. Hudson and Mr. Midlin are the DJs this year, and it should be a lot of fun! If you need childcare, contact Lisa Egmon and Allen Morgan at sarborauction@yahoo.com. Hope to see you there!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Autograph Table at Spring Auction

Are you planning to attend the Spring Auction on Saturday? We will be featuring an "Autograph Table" with signed books from some of your favorite children's and adult's book authors!
* Mitch Albom (author of "Tuesdays with Morrie" and "Five People You Meet in Heaven")
* John Grogan (author of "Marley and Me" and the children's book "Bad Dog, Marley")
* Judy Blume (author of countless young reader favorites, including "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing")
* Jamie Lee Curtis (actress and author of "Today I Feel Silly")
More than 30 titles are being included on this table, including an advance copy of my new book "My Big Book of Catholic Bible Stories." I hope you can join us!
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