Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Our First "Boosters Meeting" Minutes
In attendance: Danielle DeSano-Smith, Kathy Tucker, Heidi Saxton, Angela Hawley
This year's Board: Danielle DeSano-Smith; Incoming President, Kathy Tucker; Treasurer, Stephanie Howell, Vice President Secretary to be filled.
We are in need of more parents!! Angela Hawley volunteered to handle our Box Top Program. . . thank you Angela!! A big “Thank You” to DeAnn Marston and Irma McCall for their dedication and hard work at the concessions booth during the stormy carnival. We hope to increase the number of parent attendance at our monthly meetings. We need a volunteer(S) to assist with the following activities/responsibilities; The Booster Board, filling our vending machines and turning in returnables. We discussed the Capri Sun program potential during lunch times and Saturday soccer games, great program but we would need at least 2 persons to spearhead.
Budget: The primary goal of booster is to generate funds to contribute towards the SALT Budget. Our clubs current 2010/2011 expenses include $344 to replenish Booster Club letterhead. $200 postage. Heidi Saxton suggested an expense of up to $1000 to purchase a water vending machine this year. Last year’s purchase of the soda/ snack machine has been paid off and are now generating proceeds. We also discussed an amount of $1200 to use toward a spring family event. Last year’s Mardi Gras was suggested.
Treasurers Report - Due to computer crashing and recent events, Kathy was unable to bring a ytd financial. Kathy will have updates by our next meeting.
New Business
• Recap of Carnival- A big “Thank You” to DeAnn, Peyton and Bailey Marston, Irma McCall, Koriyon DeSano-Smith, Kathy and Andrew Tucker for their dedication and hard work at the concessions booth during the stormy carnival. We worked very hard and were quite busy but the rain created a loss of income making our net profit only $121.98
• Apparel Sales – Cassie Kennedy is busy counting up our final orders received today. We had a few parents disappointed they couldn’t purchase today. We discussed if Cassie would be able to offer another order mid-year.
• Booster Plus Program - We discussed how we hope this program continues to grow. This year our sign up at Carnival/Orientation was rained out. To date we have collected $2800. Last year we collected $7900 at Orientation. We discussed how this option to contribute directly and receive the tax deduction is still desirable. Tell everyone!!! We need more Booster Plus supporters!!
• Kroger Rewards - Kathy updated us that we are still awaiting our I.D. # from Kroger’s. Parents will then be able to link their Kroger card to South Arbor and we will receive a portion of our parents every purchase!! Kroger’s advised us that our number has been assigned and we will receive any day now.
• Announcements - We discussed the big change of separating the other fundraising events into a separate account/maintenance. This means events such as , 6th Grade Camps, Eighth Grade DC fundraising funds will not go funnel through the Booster Club Account. This account will be managed separate ad offer a clearer understanding of the funds that available.
Next Meeting: Wednesday October 21, 2010 7:00 p.m. Join us!!
Meeting Ended at 8:00 p.m.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Next Boosters Meeting: Come and Join Us!
Minutes from our last meeting will be posted here soon. If you would like to attend the next Boosters meeting, be sure to let Danielle know . . . or, if you happen to be in the area, just drop by! All South Arbor parents are eagerly invited!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Welcome Back!
To serve those families who were unable to make it to our booth before the weather turned, we are going to set up a table outside the school on Wednesday, September 15 from 2-3 p.m. At that time we will be taking orders for South Arbor merchandise (sweatshirts, polos, and house shirts), and accepting Booster Plus donations. We will also have a small quantity of mugs and other South Arbor merchandise for sale. Please make plans to join us!
Have you heard about Boosters Plus? This is the second year of the program, in which South Arbor families make a tax-deductible donation ($100 or more per family is suggested) to be used to benefit the educational environment of our children. Because charter schools receive on average $1800 less per student than traditional public schools, it is up to us as parents to make up this difference.
Last year Boosters held the Spring Auction and School Store to supplement our Boosters Plus income. However, this year Boosters Plus must bring in the lion's share of the money we need to support the school committee projects -- so please be as generous as you can. Thanks so much to the 20 families who have donated so far -- and to the 100 Boosters Plus families from last year!
Last year we heard from several families who hesitated to donate because they didn't know where the money was going. To respond to those concerns, we are inviting families to fill out a short survey, to let us know how you would like to see the money spent. The results of this survey are intended to guide the South Arbor Leadership Team (SALT) who is responsible to allocate Boosters funds.
We will post the results of this survey here on the blog, as well as the the results of each monthly SALT meeting. We believe it's important that donors have an opportunity to express their wishes and preferences. If you would like to express those in person, please join us at our first Boosters meeting of the school year, which will be held on Wednesday evening September 15 at 7:00 p.m. in the Parent Room. Our focus this year is to build up the Boosters Team, and to give parents an opportunity to participate, so our children will have a truly great school year!
If you would like another copy of the letter and/or donor form, please contact Heidi Saxton or stop by the Parents Room. If you are unable to contribute the full amount right now, feel free to make your contributions in installments -- say, $25 a month between now and December. Just note that this is your preference on the donor form, and we can send you a reminder each month. Although we are requesting $100 or more per family, no gift is too small - and every gift is appreciated (and tax deductible!). Please fill out your form and place it with payment in the secure Booster Box (on the back of the bathroom door in the Parent Room) or mail it directly to the school.
Thanks in advance for your generosity!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Booster News: Boosters Officers for 2010-2011 Year
* Danielle DeSano-Smith, President
* Stefanie Howell, Vice President
* Kathy Tucker, Treasurer
* Heidi Saxton, former President and Member-at-Large
We are currently seeking nominations for both the Secretary and Treasurer positions (because this is Kathy's last year at the school, we need to have someone get trained into the position before the end of the year).
Boosters Meetings for the coming year will be held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Parent Room. Our first meeting will be Wednesday, September 15. Please join us!!!
Funding Requests from May 2010 Meeting
As I was preparing for the upcoming SALT meeting, I realized that I had not yet posted the results of the LAST meeting, with the amounts that were approved.
The following allocations were approved at the May 2010 SALT meeting:
* $1275 for dictionaries for the Primary Hall (to help them meet their Learning Objectives)
* $1396 for 6th Grade Camp Deposits for 2001 (these monies are reimbursed from the 6th grade fundraisers in the coming school year)
* $600 for Orientation Carnival expenses
* $100 for Field Day ribbons
* $50 for Cricut machine (new mats and paper)
Thank you for your continued support of Boosters!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Federal Funding of Charter Schools to be cut $100 million - ACT NOW!
Yesterday, the US House of Representatives proposed a $100 million dollar cut to the federal charter school programs, taking money already appropriated in FY2010 away from the charter programs. The proposed cut would reduce charter funding from $256 million to $156 million – approximately a 40% cut. WE NEED YOUR HELP TODAY to tell Members of Congress NO to this cut.
If this cut were enacted, 200 fewer charter schools would start next year, 6,000 charter employees would likely be in jeopardy of losing their jobs, and countless communities across the country would be forced to take steps backward on education reform.We need your help.
Send Rep. Dave Obey, Chairman of the Appropriations Committee, and Members of Congress a strong message that you oppose the Obey Supplemental Appropriations bill with its education funding cuts!
You can send an email by clicking on this link and taking action. You can also call the Chair of the Appropriations Committee and your US Representative. Phone numbers are listed below:
Chair, Approps Comm. Dave Obey (D-Wisconsin) 202-225-3365
Michigan District 1 Bart Stupak 202-225-4735
Michigan District 2 Peter Hoekstra 202-225-4401
Michigan District 3 Vern Ehlers 202-225-3831
Michigan District 4 David Camp 202-225-3561
Michigan District 5 Dale Kildee 202-225-3611
Michigan District 6 Fred Upton 202-225-3761
Michigan District 7 Mark Schauer 202-225-6276
Michigan District 8 Mike Rogers 202-225-4872
Michigan District 9 Gary Peters 202-225-5802
Michigan District 10 Candice Miller 202-225-2106
Michigan District 11 Thaddeus McCotter 202-225-8171
Michigan District 12 Sander Levin 202-225-4961
Michigan District 13 Carolyn Kilpatrick 202-225-2261
Michigan District 14 John Conyers, Jr. 202-225-5126
Michigan District 15 John Dingell 202-225-4071
After taking action, help us spread the word and PLEASE forward this email to other charter school supporters you know.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thanks, Boosters/Salt ... from Mrs. Settle

This year Boosters collected over $22,000 from South Arbor families, who donated generously of time and treasure to make our school a better place.

Thanks to your generosity, our Middle Schoolers are going to get valuable hands-on learning experiences. Thank you!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Cinco de Mayo: Tomorrow Night!
Adult tickets are $6, kids are $4 -- and you can purchase special "Family Fun Cards" for $5 each, which will allow your child to complete 10 fun activities and get a reward from the "Sugar Shack" at the end of the evening!
The festivities include good food and music, a dance exhibition, prizes and treats. Kids can ...
* Learn the Mexican Hat Dance
* "Chicken Fights" (children tie a balloon to their ankle, and jump into the frey. Last balloon left unpopped,wins!)
* Pinatas, courtesy of the "Culture Club"
* Carnival games -- ring toss, "jalapino relays," bowling, and tic-tac-toss
* Try a Mexican juice drink!
* Make a pinata, a flower, a paper fan, or a "bark painting"
* Learn to salsa!
Won't you please join us, and help us raise the funds we need to help our teachers?
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
SABC Year-End Report
This year the SABC raised approximately $22,000 from Boosters Plus, Spring Auction, and School Store (income less expenses). This means we ended the year a little over a thousand dollars short of where we started the school year. (Details will be available at Cinco de Mayo.) Because we do not anticipate running the Spring Auction in 2011 (our co-chairs are retiring), our Boosters Plus program will need to compensate for this lost income if we are going to sustain existing programs and respond to new requests.
This year Boosters/SALT approved the following expenses and allocations:
Expenses and Allocations:
Column A: Expenses (Spent with approval of SALT between 9/09 and 3/31/10)
Column B: Allocations (Approved by SALT, anticipated spending between 4/1/10 and 7/1/10) Column C: TOTAL Expenses and Allocations
Academic Programs: (A) $708.93 (B) $625 (C) $1333.93
(Science Fair, Spelling Bee, Literacy Night, etc.)
Athletics: (A) $0 (B)$2290 (C) $2290
(Soccer goals)
Band: (A) $1331 (B) 0 (C) $1331
(Memberships, tuba, medals)
Boosters: (A) 457.58 (B)$1373.82 (C)$1831.40
(Website development, storage, vending machine)
Building and Grounds: (A) $52.98 (B) 0 (C) $52.98
(Tulips and paint)
Health and Wellness: (A) $291.00 (B) $217.35 (C) $508.35
(First Aid, CPR, etc.)
Hospitality: (A) $2674.75 (B) $1500.00 (C) $4,154.75
(Teacher Conference Dinners, Teacher Appreciation, etc.)
Library: (A) $1170 (B)0 (C) $1170
(Library bags)
Moral Focus (A) $1195.52 (B) $3425 (C) $4620.52
(Food for Soul, quarterly pizza parties, year-end activities)
Teacher Requests (A) $873.39 (B) $401.75 (C) $1275.14
(School supplies, equipment, and resources)
Other (A) $1274.25 (B) $300 (C) $1574.25
(Orientation, Dad’s Pizza Night, Giving Tree)
(Total Expenses – Spent and Allocated by SALT) ($20,162.32)
Additional Anticipated Expenses – 5/1/10 – 9/1/10: $3,700.00, including ...
* Orientation - $600
* 6th grade camp deposit (loan) - $1500
* Booster Plus mailing - $300
* Dad's Night - $500
* Encyclopedias - $300
* Field Day (May 2010) - $500
TOTAL EXPENSES: (20,162.32) (Spent and allocated)
TOTAL EXPENSES: (3,700.00) (Anticipated)
Thursday, April 1, 2010
March SALT Meeting - Where did your $$$ Go?
* $3,425 for House Picnic and Disciplinary Incentive Trips (K-4 at KOA, 5-8 at Rolling Hills Water Park)
* $1,500 for Teacher Appreciation Week expenses
* $401.75 for Science Lab expenses (triple-weight balances, tissue samples, and other supplies needed to help Mrs. Settle meet educational objectives)
* $156 for Band Festival medals
* $52.98 for playground project (create Hop-Scotch and class line markers, as our teachers have requested.)
* $4000 targeted fundraiser approved to give our teachers an expense account for classroom and field trip use. All Booster Plus contributions donated in the month of April (through May 5) will be applied to this fund. Can you help us?
* Other SALT/Booster news: Boosters is purchasing a snack/drink machine, which will replace the Pepsi machines our school currently has now that our contract is up. By stocking the machine ourselves, we receive a much higher share of the profits. The snack machine will be located in the Teacher's Room; the drink machine will be located in the Parent Room.
In addition, Mr. Hudson will do a teacher survey, to find out what their highest priorities are for next year, to guide SALT as we decide how Boosters money is to be spent. Thanks, Mr. Hudson!
Literacy Night Is A Great Success!
"Imagine kids (at least 75) going throughout the school participating in reading games and programs. And begging to stay when the parents said it was time to go. This was a great event, and it came together so easily, in large part because of your willingness to help.
"I appreciate each one of you, and especially want to recognize Ryon Maples, who did all the copying and materials preparation for many of the activities beforehand. (He is our Cricut machine master). Again, thank you for being a great group of volunteers."
My kids especially enjoyed the "Star Hut," where Mrs. McKelvey told stories about the constellations that shone on the canvas dome above us. And there was a long line for the "reading dogs" who sat patiently and listened as children read them stories. (Our Aussie shepherd is never quite that still...)
I hope we can make this an annual event!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
April is BOOSTER'S PLUS for Teachers!
Families who make a tax-deductible donation to the Boosters Plus program will have their donation go directly to this cause. Just fill out a form (on the Boosters Bulletin Board in the Parent Room) and place it with your check in the locked box on the back of the bathroom door in the Parent Room. The suggested per-family donation is $100 -- all contributions are welcome.
Be sure to join us on Wednesday, May 5 for our special "Cinco de Mayo Celebration," when we will celebrate the end of the fund-raiser. Bring your family to enjoy good food, fun activities for the whole family ... music, dancing, and lots of fun! Family Fun Packs (4 admissions and activity tickets for $20) on sale throughout the month of April.
Boosters Plus families will receive one free admission.
Food for the Soul: Mac & Cheese
Macaroni & Cheese
(family size)
2lbs Macaroni Noodles
1lb Sharp Cheddar Cheese shredded
1lb Monterey Cheese shredded
1lb Colby cheese shredded
1lb Mild Cheddar shredded
1 jar Cheese Whiz
Salt, Pepper
Heat oven to 350. In large pot, boil water, season with salt. Add noodles. While noodles are boiling, spray medium/large pan with cooking spray. Set aside.
In large bowl, add cooked noodles, 4 Tbl spoons of butter, cheese whiz, moistened with a little milk. Mix. Add all cheeses, season mixture with salt, pepper, and paprika, mix well. Add milk to moisten until it is creamy - Mix.
Pour mixture in prepared pan. Sprinkle top with paprika. Cook until bubbly around edges. Let stand 1-20 minutes before serving. Enjoy - If you cook with LOVE it should come out great!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Top 10 Reasons NOT to Attend Spring Fair
You can do both! Come for the silent auction, have a bite to eat ... and be home in time for "date night"!
2. I don't have anything to do with the kids ...
Sure you do! Just drop them over at the Explorer Club, next door at the church, where they will be entertained by the same fully trained staff that runs the after-school program.
3. I don't know anyone ...
The auction is a fun night, where you can get to know many parents in the South Arbor community. It's casual, it's fun ... and it's a good way to show to your kids how much you value the educational opportunities they receive at South Arbor. (If you're a teacher, it's a great way to support Boosters in our efforts to get you the things you need for your classroom.)
4. I can't afford it ...
The money we raise through this event funds the educational programs for the rest of the year. Field trips, field days, Teacher Appreciation, House Awards and other behavioral incentives. We need to raise $4000 during the month of April if we want to give our teachers a classroom allowance this year. To do that, every family needs to give a little. Think of the $15 ticket as an investment in your child's education.
5. I'm on a diet ...
So have a Diet Coke and grab a paddle, to keep your hands full!
6. My husband/wife hates these school functions.
This isn't just a "couples" event. Just bring your checkbook, so he/she will want to come with you next time!
7. My son/daughter has another event the same night.
The Spring Auction is the last fundraiser of the year toward our general fund (the Cinco de Mayo event in May is specifically for teacher's allowances and indoor recess cart). If you can't be there that night, please consider making a tax-deductible cash donation anyway -- SABC is a 501(c)3 organization, so all donations are fully tax-deductible.
8. South Arbor Charter Academy is a PUBLIC school ... Why do you keep having these fund raisers?
Because if we don't, the school can't afford to continue with the educational and moral development opportunities that have become an intrinsic part of South Arbor culture. We have already spent the money that was raised by the Boosters Plus program at the beginning of the year (with approximately 120 families participating, far short of our goal). For the past couple of years, we have used the Spring Auction money to fund beginning-of-the-year programs. This year, we are faced with spending the financial "cushion" we should be keeping to finance larger, long-term projects, just to sustain existing programs.
9. I'd rather sell pizza kits or cookie dough....
Sorry, we've committed to our parents that we won't be doing third-party sales catalogs to raise money for Boosters, if they will participate in Boosters Plus. We intend to keep that promise.
10. How do I know where the money goes?
I post the approved funding requests after each Leadership Team meeting here on the blog. Also, please remember that you don't have to spend a LOT of money at this function -- there are items at all price points, from inexpensive books and baskets to more high-ticket items. Jewelery, hand-made pottery, golf outings, autographed books, themed baskets from your child's classroom ... Practical and luxurious, it's all there ... and It's all fun!
11. *sigh* Okay, give me the details again.
Doors open at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 27. The event is held at the school (South Arbor Charter Academy is located at 8200 Carpenter Road in Ypsilanti) in the gym, and tickets are $15 each. The silent auction goes from 3 to 5:45, with the live auction starting shortly thereafter. Mr. Hudson and Mr. Midlin are the DJs this year, and it should be a lot of fun! If you need childcare, contact Lisa Egmon and Allen Morgan at Hope to see you there!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Autograph Table at Spring Auction

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Booster Store at Upcoming Conferences

Soul Food Dinner ... March 5!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Sleeping Bear Press Comes Through
We've had several authors -- including our former principal, Miriam Snyder -- donate books for our autograph table. Be sure to buy your auction tickets soon -- you won't want to miss out!
Want to buy tickets for the parking spot raffle? Stop by the school store on Friday and during conferences -- get 5 raffle tickets and a mug for $25!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Sunbutter: A Peanut-Free Alternative
Check out her recipe for Sunbutter Sandwiches!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Hold the Date: Spring Auction Ahead!
Tickets may be purchased for $15 each until February 20. Tickets after that date are $20 (including at the door). If you do not get your invitation this week, additional ticket order forms are available in the Parent Room. Just place your form and payment in the blue Auction Mailbox outside the Parent Room.
Childcare is free (donations accepted) through Explorer’s Club, but space is limited so reserve your place when you buy your tickets. Enjoy a wide variety of hearty appetizers and desserts, and participate in silent and live auctions, door prizes, raffles, and other entertainment. Doors open at 3 p.m.
Can you help? Parents, perhaps you or your employer might be willing to make a tax-deductible donation of goods or services as a door prize or item to be auctioned. You could help us make phone calls to previous donors, or contribute to your child’s class basket. We will also be asking for soda and dessert donations – the sign-up sheet will be posted at the school. Or perhaps you can invite a few family or friends as guests.
Above all, please come and support our students with your presence at the auction, which brings in a large percentage of the Boosters budget each year. Anything you can do to help will be greatly appreciated. If you have questions, contact Lisa (734-834-2603) and Allen (734-649-1966) at
Boosters Plus Tax Receipts
The receipts will be in the office next week (Tuesday through Friday) for you to pick up. Any receipts that have not been picked up by Friday will be sent through the mail.
Questions? Contaxt Kathy Tucker or Heidi Saxton.
Thanks for participating in the program, and supporting Boosters!
Chess Club is Back!
The club will be open to anyone grades 1st through 8th . Remember, no experience is necessary only the willingness to learn and have fun. For more information please download the information packet which includes the permission slip from the Atschool web sight or pick it up outside the parent room or in the office. Any questions please speak with Ryon Maples who can be found at the school most days or e-mail him at
Thursday, January 7, 2010
"Where is my tax receipt?!?!"
Keep an eye on those backpacks!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Thank you, Jackie!
Jackie has recently needed to step down (as of January) because of some pressing family needs. Which means we are in need of someone to be in charge of the store each week (with the assistance of the rest of the Boosters team). This involves a weekly commitment of about 3 hours.
If you (or someone you know) is interested in joining the Boosters team, please let me know. Jackie is willing to help train her replacement. Thank you, Jackie!