Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Blessings: Hook and Laurinec Family Updates

I'm delighted to report that Roxane Hook is home in time for Christmas, enjoying her time with the boys. The leukemia has officially gone into remission -- although she will be going for additional therapy in January. They have been deeply touched by all the ways the South Arbor community has reached out to them during Roxy's hospitalization.

I understand that Chris Laurinec's surgery was successful -- today Stephanie received word that they got all the cancer, which is a wonderful Christmas gift for the whole family! They expect Chris to be coming home soon.

Thank you for continuing to remember these two families in your prayers.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Life According to Charles Schultz (Creator of "Peanuts")

My sister-in-law Barbara sent this to me today.

1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.
3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America pageant.
4 Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.
5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.
6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.

How did you do? None of us remember the head liners of yesterday. These are no second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish... Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.

Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:

1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.
2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.
3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.
4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special!
5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.

Easier? The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They simply are the ones who care the most.

Pass this on to those people who have either made a difference in your life, or whom you keep close in your heart, like I did.

Special Visitor Spotted at South Arbor Today - Zero Hero!

Look! Up in the sky! No wait ... in the Parent Room!

It's not a bird, or a plane, or a flying mop!

It's ZERO HERO, who flew in first class (okay, it was on the Booster dime, so it was coach) to tie up ten unsuspecting kindergardeners to teach them the number TEN!

Thanks, Mr. Hero ... whoever you are.

Recipe Books and Gingerbread for South Arbor Staff

Today Boosters distributed the gingerbread treats and gift cards that parents ordered for teachers. Thank you to the forty families or so who placed an order! And thank you to Stephanie Howell, Beth Peterson, Monica Rem, Kim Fink, and Ryon Maples who volunteered to help distribute the cookies.

In addition, Boosters/SALT gave each teacher and staff member (who did not already receive at least one from a parent) a gingerbread treat as well as a cookbook for their holiday gift. The teachers seemed very happy to get these!

Tomorrow hospitality is hosting a holiday lunch for the teachers at school. Boosters will be holding a special store in the morning, with coffee and donuts available in the Parent Room for just fifty cents. Come and get your last-minute gifts -- there are a handful of gingerbread men left for purchase, too!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

South Arbor now on Facebook!

Laura Holliday has started a Facebook page for the South Arbor Charter Academy community. If you're on Facebook, be sure to join us!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Ginger Boys and Girls for Sale!

Here is a picture of the darling gingerbread boys and girls that Boosters is selling all next week for teacher gifts and student treats. We will be hand-delivering them next Thursday to those who pre-ordered the cookies ... And we will be selling the remainders at the Booster Store on Friday.

Boosters thanks Nancy Davis and her sister, who baked and hand-decorated the gingerbread girls for us. It was a lot of work ... and she did a spectacular job!
It's not too late to place your order! Pick up a "Booster Special Delivery" form on the Bulletin Boad in the Parents Room, and put the form with your money ($6 per cookie) in the Booster Mailbox on the back of the bathroom door. Questions? Contact Heidi Saxton.

Christopher Coman: Gingerbread House Winner!!!

Congratulations, Chris, on winning the Gingerbread House Raffle! Chris plans to share his house with Ms. Swygert's class on Monday.

Thanks to all those who participated in the raffle. Don't forget that hand-decorated gingerbread cookies will be available for purchase all next week -- order them through the "Special Delivery" service, or pick up any available leftover cookies at a steal on Friday morning at our special "Booster Store."

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Make your own gingerbread?

Gingerbread is "in" at South Arbor Boosters. We'll be drawing our gingerbread house raffle on Friday, and gingerbread treats will go on sale!

Would you like to make your own gingerbread house? Check out simple directions here.

Yesterday on "Martha Stewart Living," Martha showed how to make the cutest gingerbread girls using a garlic press for the hair ... Darling!
I'd like to thank Nancy Davis, who made 50 gingerbread girls for the Booster Store and teacher's gifts. Thanks so much, Nancy!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Messiah Community Sing on Saturday!!!

Here's some holiday "News You Can Use!" The 45th annual Messiah Community Sing will be held this Saturday at 2:30.

Dr. Richard Ingram will be conducting. Each year community members gather to sing (orchestra and choir) selections from Handel's "Messiah." Musical scores are provided. Just bring your voice, a plate of holiday treats to share ... and a friend!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

What to Get Teacher for Christmas: Parents Magazine

The current issue of "Parents" magazine has a news blurb I thought would interest South Arbor parents.

"We asked educators to weigh in on Here's what they want:"

* A gift card .......... 63%
* Something crafty/homemade ........ 25%
* Cash .................... 8%
* A big gift that a few families pitched in on ..... 4%

HINT: We still have some gingerbread treats available for purchase ($6), and you can attach the gift card of your choice! Just come to the school store on Friday afternoons!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

SAVE THE DATE! Spring Auction is February 27!

The date for the Spring Auction has been set for Saturday, February 27. This is one of our biggest fundraisers each year, and is truly a fun event! Childcare will be available through Explorer's Club.

Allen Morgan and Lisa Egmon, who are co-chairing the event, can use all the help they can get! If you're interested in lending a hand with securing prizes or setting up the event, please contact them at

If you have any autographed books you'd be willing to donate for our autograph table, please let me know! You can reach me (Heidi) at

Where's the Money Going? December SALT meeting

At the SALT meeting today, we approved funding for the following expenses.

* $175 for spelling bee expenses (previous meeting)
* $525 for Giving Tree (to supplement donations and NJHS raffle money)
* $850 for Science Fair (table rentals, prizes)
* $300 for National Junior Honor Society induction expenses
* $400 for 2nd and 3rd Quarter House Pizza Party
* $185 for Band Registration Fees (Band Festival on March 4 or March 20)

If more families contribute to the Giving Tree fund, there will not be a need to spend this allocation -- so if you haven't yet contributed to the Giving Tree, please plan to do so by Friday, December 11. The committee is requesting cash donations ... you can drop them in the Boosters Box, or at the Boosters Store on Friday.

Thanks in advance for helping us give our South Arbor kids a memorable holiday season!

Terracycle: Recycle ... and Help Our School!

Thanks to Chris Victory, who passed along information about the "TerraCycle" program, which allows families to collect snack wrappers and juice pouches, which are turned into products for sale at major retailers like Walmart, Target and Home Depot! For more information, check out their website.

Or check out this video!

Special Delivery ... Thursday, December 17

Boosters is offering a special "Holiday Delivery" for orders placed by Monday, December 14. Just fill out your order form and drop it along with payment in the Booster Box. This merchandise make great holiday gifts: water bottles, travel mugs, cook books, gingerbread boys or girls, or ceramic mugs.

Afraid your child might lose your order? Boosters is also having a special store on the morning of December 18. We will also be serving coffee and donuts, and have our "cash and carry" scrip cards on display for you to take with you. (If you buy a mug, your coffee is free!)

Don't forget to place your order for scrip to take care of the rest of your shopping, too! To place your order electronically, just go to "Shop with Scrip" and set up your personal account. Orders placed by Friday (either electronically or paper via Booster Box) can be picked up the following week.

Gingerbread House Raffle Has Begun!

The Gingerbread House that is going to be raffled off at the Booster Store on Friday, December 11 is now on display in the school office. To enter the raffle, just pick up a form (in the office or on the bulletin board in the Parent Room) and fill out the number of tickets you want. Tickets are 1 for $2 or 3 for $5.

You need not be present at the drawing to win!

Just put your form with payment (cash or check payable to SABC) in the Booster Box.