On behalf of the faculty, staff, and other parents at South Arbor Charter Academy, I'd like to welcome you to our "Boosters Blog"!
About a month ago I got involved in Boosters, and discovered what a busy, dedicated group of parents we have at South Arbor. The Booster Club provides financial and moral support for the other groups that serve the school:
* The Academic Committee arranges for educational enrichment opportunities such as Chess Club, Robot Club, Culture Club, and summer enrichment opportunities. The Academics Committee President is Jennifer Young.
* The Athletics Committee organizes special fundraisers and events to help South Arbor Student sports programs be the best they can be. The Athletics Committee President is Katie Rittenhouse.
* The Health and Wellness Committee raises awareness and educates our parents and students concerning the physical wellbeing of our community. The Health and Wellness Committee President is Beth Peterson.
* The Hospitality Committee coordinates events for teachers, community members, and students including Teacher Appreciation Week, Parent Orientation, Principal Coffee Meetings. The Hospitality Committee President is Stacey Foley.
* The Library Committee helps our librarian, Mrs. Keefer, get the resources she needs to help our students learn and grow. The Library Commitee President is Cheri Elwell.
* The Moral Focus Committee provides events that help our students grow in "global virues" such as integrity, compassion, service, self-control, and perseverance. The Moral Focus Committee President is Klaycie Browning.
* The Parent Ambassador is responsible for recruiting and welcoming prospective families to the South Arbor community. The Parent Ambassador is Laura Holiday.
* When special needs arise -- such as a tuba for our Music Department, or bleachers for our gym -- the Leadership Committee works with Boosters to provide for these needs.
Like every school in Michigan, the money we receive from the state doesn't begin to cover everything our children need to reach their full academic potential. Unlike many schools, however, South Arbor has not sacrificed the quality of its enrichment programs -- including art, music, foreign language, and physical education programs -- thanks to the dedicated efforts of our parents, who volunteer their time and resources to support our kids and their teachers.
In the coming months, we will be introducing new programs that will maximize the effectiveness of our current Boosters projects. Check back here frequently to find the latest information!
If you have any questions, drop us a line at southarborboosters@gmail.com.
Have a great summer!
Heidi Saxton
VP Boosters, South Arbor Charter Academy